As part of our continued efforts to keep improving our platform security and maintain stability, we are undertaking some changes for all our Shared Linux servers.
- Enabling cloud-based email security solutions
- PHP 8.2 Upgrade
Enabling cloud-based email security solutions
What will change?
To curb spamming and IP blocklisting issues that we have seen in the past, we have decided to implement a cloud-based email security solution that will help us protect all outbound mails from Shared Linux servers. This new solution will help us eliminate malware and spam in our email architecture which will allow us to seamlessly send emails.
When will this change be implemented?
We have started routing traffic of our shared Linux hosting orders via the new implementation. This is currently being done in batches to ensure smooth transition and monitoring.
Our system admins have already modified the required TXT records for all the domains to ensure uninterrupted service. Once the implementation is completed all your emails will be routed via the new cloud-based email security solution providing you with a more stable platform free of spam and IP Blacklisting issues.
PHP Upgrade 8.2:
As part of this security effort, we are updating all our servers to the latest version of PHP 8.2. All new orders purchased will have the default version as PHP 8.2 and for existing orders, we will attempt to perform the upgrade on your behalf in the safest manner possible and will revert the change immediately in case the website does not work on the higher version.
What needs to be done?
We request you stop using older versions of PHP that are no longer supported by the community by working with your developer and upgrading your code/application/theme/plugin to work with the latest PHP version.
You can manage the PHP version from the MultiPHP Manager option in your cPanel. Please ignore this message if your websites are already running on PHP 8.0 or above.
We request your co-operation in helping us provide you with a more stable platform. We thank you for your continued support and use of our service.
Please reach out to our support teams for any questions or concerns.